Containers generally run from an image and have no access to the host file system. This is fine for stand-alone ephemeral containers, but others require persistent data. While we can […]
When a Linux container image is created, like any system it can have specific users, or maybe it only has root (uid 0). Containers have a specific entry point which […]
Some production systems you face might make use of bonded network connections that you need to bridge in order to get VMs onto them. That bond may or may not […]
My virtual infrastructure Ansible role supports connecting VMs to both Linux and Open vSwitch bridges, but they must already exist on the KVM host. Here is how to convert an […]
One of the things I do a lot on my Fedora machines is talk to devices via USB serial. While a device is correctly detected at /dev/ttyUSB0 and owned by […]
Fedora Silverblue doesn’t come with dnf because it’s an immutable operating system and uses a special tool called rpm-ostree to layer packages on top instead. Most terminal work is designed […]
I recently switched my regular Fedora 31 workstation over to the 31 Silverblue release. I’ve played with Project Atomic before and have been meaning to try it out more seriously […]
The toolbox program is a wrapper for setting up containers on Fedora. It’s not doing anything you can’t do yourself with podman, but it does make using and managing containers […]
I built this custom night light for my kids as a fun little project. It’s pretty easy so thought someone else might be inspired to do something similar. Hardware The […]
Having built the core of my own “dumb” smart home system, I have been working on making it smart these past few years. As I’ve written about previously, the smart […]