Disable animations in GNOME 3 for older hardware

If you love GNOME 3 but the animations are really sluggish on an older machine (driving you crazy) then you can disable them using dconf-editor (install that first).

In dconf-editor, browse to org.gnome.desktop.interface and set enable-animations=false.

You can also run this command to disable animations:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface enable-animations false

And re-enable animations with true:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface enable-animations true

You do not need to log out and back in, it should take effect immediately.

I hope that stops someone from un-installing GNOME on an older machine…

7 thoughts on “Disable animations in GNOME 3 for older hardware

  1. Disabling animations in GNOME 3 for new/older hardware has
    returned back the comfort among users of an older generations..

    Thanks much.


  2. Thanks man! I was about to format my old laptop and reinstall mate flavor in order to avoid all those resources consuming animations

    for a 40 old year man is not necessary 😉

  3. Thanks! This was a huge help to me! I was trying to make Gnome more usable on an old netbook I had.

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