Recently, Rahul Sandaram (Fedora dev and creator of the Omega Fedora Remix) offered to sponsor me to become a Fedora maintainer, which I accepted. A day or so later I […]
I accidentally included the KDE Oxygen theme for the GNOME version of Beta3 (it was correct in Beta2). This means that GNOME users of Kororaa will get a KDE themed […]
Kororaa 14 (Nemo) Beta3 has been released for download, in 32 and 64 bit with KDE and GNOME. It is recommended to back up your data and perform a fresh […]
If you’re running Kororaa Beta2, there are a few bugs which require fixing. Yum Firstly, the KDE version incorrectly included Yum from Rawhide (development) tree (GNOME version does not have […]
Kororaa 14 (Nemo) Beta2 has been released for download. This release includes several fixes, updates to all your favourite applications, as well as the following major changes: GNOME version – […]
You might be wondering why I chose to derive Kororaa from Fedora. Perhaps you have used Fedora in the past yourself and been burnt, or perhaps (like I used to) […]
Kororaa Lite (KDE) has been released and is now available for download in 32 and 64 bit. Kororaa Lite is a minimal KDE based system which provides a smaller footprint […]
That’s right folks, Kororaa is back. I know that you’ll be looking for something Linux related to do over your Christmas holidays and New Year 😉 so I’ve just released […]