My brother has been complaining about his slow phone since.. well the day he bought it, so I’ve been recommending CyanogenMod since, well, the day he bought it. Finally yesterday […]
There’s never been any evidence that Microsoft goes after Linux based products, right? Hog wash. Well, now it’s just Tom Tom all over again. So, we know that Microsoft has […]
Some have found my posts on running Linux on the (EFI only) Xserves useful, and one such person is Eddie, who emailed me with some details on how he got […]
Anandtech takes a hands-on look at AMD’s new CPU+GPU combination platform, Brazos. It’s designed to compete in the low performance power, and mobile spaces. How well will it perform, especially […]
Another day, another Microsoft cross-patent licensing agreement for companies who use Linux. Japan-based I-O Data Device Inc. has agreed to cough up an undisclosed sum to the software giant for […]
Amazon and Microsoft have signed a patent deal which covers their Linux based products and Kindle. The deal covers both Amazon’s Kindle product as well as the company’s use of […]
That’s right. ARM is set to take over the netbook market (yay!) and even more good news that their highly successful Cortex-A9 will get a revamp. Shrinking the die down […]
So the MPEG LA has extended the royalty free life of Internet streaming H.264 video from the end of 2010 to the end of 2016. The majority of patents expire […]
Recently it was confirmed by the MPEG LA that a license is needed for any use of H.264 and that everyone on the chain is liable. Free software projects are […]