Charlie Brooker from the Guardian says it much better than I can.. I know Windows is awful. Everyone knows Windows is awful. Windows is like the faint smell of piss […]
That’s right, even Microsoft can’t get their own data format right. Readers commented on an article about 2008 Service Pack 2 that it broke their existing OOXML files: I am […]
Greg Kroah-Hartman has posted a status update for drivers in the 2.6.32 kernel. This in particular, was rather funny: hv (Microsoft Hyper-V) drivers. Over 200 patches make up the massive […]
I’m sure you’ve all heard about the recent code contribution from Microsoft for the Linux kernel. I’ve written an article about it for Linux Magazine and was fortunate to have […]
Being in the spotlight means people often take things you say our of context. I’m speaking of Richard Stallman, who recently got hammered over his “church of emacs” speech and […]
Yes, the unthinkable has just happened. Microsoft has submitted code for the Linux kernel, licensed under the GPLv2. The code in question includes three drivers for their Hyper-V virtualisation technology […]
Miguel de lcaza has written on his blog about Microsoft’s announcement to include C# and CLI under their community promise. The promise itself aside, Miguel has announced something very interesting, […]
Peter Galli has written on his blog that he was informed by Scott Guthrie (the Corporate Vice President for the .Net Developer Platform) that Microsoft will include C# and CLI […]
I’ve been reading around the Internet for a while now about folks asking why some people don’t like Mono. I have written an article which expresses my opinion on the […]