Good news that the Danish government has agreed to mandate the use of Open Document Format. Last Friday, after four years of deliberation, representatives of all parties in the Danish […]
Malaysia started looking into FOSS for government back in 2004. Now, it appears they have reached 95% adoption across the government. Some 95 percent of Malaysia’s government agencies have adopted […]
I missed this previously, but Munich has finally switched over to exclusive use of ODF for documents, and PDF for non-editable documents. The city administration’s standard desktops now consist of […]
Argentia, Brazil, Linux activity is a hot bed in South America. Now the latest country, Nicaragua, has announced that they are migrating their schools to Linux. The Ministry of Education […]
It looks like the Ecuadorian Institute of Standardisation has just unanimously approved the use of ODF in the country. This comes after Brazil adopted ODF as their national standard last […]