Updating OpenStack TripleO Ceph nodes safely one at a time

Part of the process when updating Red Hat’s TripleO based OpenStack is to apply the package and container updates, viaupdate run step, to the nodes in each Role (like Controller, CephStorage and Compute, etc). This is done in-place, before the ceph-upgrade (ceph-ansible) step, converge step and reboots.

openstack overcloud update run --nodes CephStorage

Rather than do an entire Role straight up however, I always update one node of that type first. This lets me make sure there were no problems (and fix them if there were), before moving onto the whole Role.

I noticed recently when performing the update step on CephStorage role nodes that OSDs and OSD nodes were going down in the cluster. This was then causing my Ceph cluster to go into backfilling and recovering (norebalance was set).

We want all of these nodes to be done one at a time, as taking more than one node out at a time can potentially make the Ceph cluster stop serving data (all VMs will freeze) until it finishes and gets the minimum number of copies in the cluster. If all three copies of data go offline at the same time, it’s not going to be able to recover.

My concern was that the update step does not check the status of the cluster, it just goes ahead and updates each node one by one (the seperate ceph update run step does check the state). If the Ceph nodes are updated faster than the cluster can fix itself, we might end up with multiple nodes going offline and hitting the issues mentioned above.

So to work around this I just ran this simple bash loop. It gets a list of all the Ceph Storage nodes and before updating each one in turn, checks that the status of the cluster is HEALTH_OK before proceeding. This would not possible if we update by Role instead.

source ~/stackrc
for node in $(openstack server list -f value -c Name |grep ceph-storage |sort -V); do
  while [[ ! "$(ssh -q controller-0 'sudo ceph -s |grep health:')" =~ "HEALTH_OK" ]] ; do
    echo 'cluster not healthy, sleeping before updating ${node}'
    sleep 5
  echo 'cluster healthy, updating ${node}'
  openstack overcloud update run --nodes ${node} || { echo 'failed to update ${node}, exiting'; exit 1 ;}
  echo 'updated ${node} successfully'

I’m not sure if the cluster doing down like that this is expected behaviour, but I opened a bugzilla for it.

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