Command line password management with pass

Why use a password manager in the first place? Well, they make it easy to have strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts on every system you use (and that’s a good thing).

For years I’ve stored my passwords in Firefox, because it’s convenient, and I never bothered with all those other fancy password managers. The problem is, that it locked me into Firefox and I found myself still needing to remember passwords for servers and things.

So a few months ago I decided to give command line tool Pass a try. It’s essentially a shell script wrapper for GnuPG and stores your passwords (with any notes) in individually encrypted files.

I love it.

Pass is less convenient in terms of web browsing, but it’s more convenient for everything else that I do (which is often on the command line). For example, I have painlessly integrated Pass into Mutt (my email client) so that passwords are not stored in the configuration files.

As a side-note, I installed the Password Exporter Firefox Add-on and exported my passwords. I then added this whole file to Pass so that I can start copying old passwords as needed (I didn’t want them all).

About Pass

Pass uses public-key cryptography to encrypt each password that you want to store as an individual file. To access the password you need the private key and passphrase.

So, some nice things about it are:

  • Short and simple shell script
  • Uses standard GnuPG to encrypt each password into individual files
  • Password files are stored on disk in a hierarchy of own choosing
  • Stored in Git repo (if desired)
  • Can also store notes
  • Can copy the password temporarily to copy/paste buffer
  • Can show, edit, or copy password
  • Can also generate a password
  • Integrates with anything that can call it
  • Tab completion!

So it’s nothing super fancy, “just” a great little wrapper for good old GnuPG and text files, backed by git. Perfect!

Install Pass

Installation of Pass (and Git) is easy:
sudo dnf -y install git pass

Prepare keys

You’ll need a pair of keys, so generate these if you haven’t already (this creates the keys under ~/.gnupg). I’d probably recommend RSA and RSA, 4096 bits long, using a decent passphrase and setting a valid email address (you can also separately use these keys to send signed emails and receive encrypted emails).
gpg2 --full-gen-key

We will need the key’s fingerprint to give to pass. It should be a string of 40 characters, something like 16CA211ACF6DC8586D6747417407C4045DF7E9A2.
gpg2 --list-secret-keys

Note: Your fingerprint (and public keys) can be public, but please make sure that you keep your private keys secure! For example, don’t copy the ~/.gnupg directory to a public place (even though they are protected by a nice long passphrase, right? Right?).

Initialise pass

Before we can use Pass, we need to initialise it. Put the fingerprint you got from the output of gpg2 –list-secret-keys above (e.g. 5DF7E9A2).
pass init 5DF7E9A2

This creates the basic directory structure in the .password-store directory in your home directory. At this point it just has a plain text file (.password-store/.gpg-id) with the fingerprint of the public key that it should use.

Adding git backing

If you haven’t already, you’ll need to tell Git who you are. Using the email address that you used when creating the GPG key is probably good.
git config --global ""
git config --global "Your Name"

Now, go into the password-store directory and initialise it as a Git repository.
cd ~/.password-store
git init
git add .
git commit -m "intial commit"
cd -

Pass will now automatically commit changes for you!


As mentioned, you can create any hierarchy you like. I quite like to use subdirectories and sort by function first (like mail, web, server), then domains (like, and then server or username. This seems to work quite nicely with tab completion, too.

You can rearrange this at any time, so don’t worry too much!

Storing a password

Adding a password is simple and you can create any hierarchy that you want; you just tell pass to add a new password and where to store it. Pass will prompt you to enter the password.

For example, you might want to store your password for a machine at – you could do that like so:
pass add servers/

This creates the directory structure on disk and your first encrypted file!
└── servers
        └── server1.gpg
2 directories, 1 file

Run the file command on that file and it should tell you that it’s encrypted.
file ~/.password-store/servers/

But is it really? Go ahead, cat that gpg file, you’ll see it’s encrypted (your terminal will probably go crazy – you can blindly enter the reset command to get it back).
cat ~/.password-store/servers/

So this file is encrypted – you can safely copy it anywhere (again, please just keep your private key secure).

Git history

Browse to the .password-store dir and run some git commands, you’ll see your history and showing will prompt for your GPG passphrase to decrypt the files stored in Git.

cd ~/.password-store
git log
git show
cd -

If you wanted to, you could push this to another computer as a backup (perhaps even via a git-hook!).

Storing a password, with notes

By default Pass just prompts for the password, but if you want to add notes at the same time you can do that also. Note that the password should still be on its own on the first line, however.
pass add -m mail/

If you use two-factor authentication (which you should be), this is useful for also storing the account password and recovery codes.

Generating and storing a password

As I mentioned, one of the benefits of using a password manager is to have strong, unique passwords. Pass makes this easy by including the ability to generate one for you and store it in the hierarchy of your choosing. For example, you could generate a 32 character password (without special characters) for a website you often log into, like so:
pass generate -n web/ 32

Getting a password out

Getting a password out is easy; just tell Pass which one you want. It will prompt you for your passphrase, decrypt the file for you, read the first line and print it to the screen. This can be useful for scripting (more on that below).

pass web/

Most of the time though, you’ll probably want to copy the password to the copy/paste buffer; this is also easy, just add the -c option. Passwords are automatically cleared from the buffer after 45 seconds.
pass -c web/

Now you can log into Twitter by entering your username and pasting the password.

Editing a password

Similarly you can edit an existing password to change it, or add as many notes as you like. Just tell Pass which password to edit!
pass edit web/

Copying and moving a password

It’s easy to copy an existing password to a new one, just specify both the original and new file.
pass copy servers/ servers/

If the hierarchy you created is not to your liking, it’s easy to move passwords around.
pass mv servers/ computers/

Of course, you could script this!

Listing all passwords

Pass will list all your passwords in a tree nicely for you.
pass list

Interacting with Pass

As pass is a nice standard shell program, you can interact with it easily. For example, to get a password from a script you could do something like this.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Getting password.."
PASSWORD="$(pass servers/"
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
    echo "Sorry, failed to get the password"
    exit 1
echo "..and we got it, ${PASSWORD}"

Try it!

There’s lots more you can do with Pass, why not check it out yourself!

7 thoughts on “Command line password management with pass

  1. This looks like it could replace my own custom scripts that do much the same thing (although not as nicely). Thanks for the heads-up!

  2. wow, thanks for mentioning this!

    I’ve wanted something like this for ages, but every other password manager I knew of was GUI, so useless over an ssh session.

    pass is much better than my current method of manually decrypting and grepping my passwords file.

  3. Nice summary of pass.

    You mention that you have painlessly integrated it into mutt. I’m having problems combining the two. How did you do it?


  4. Hey Brett, in my mutt config I just call pass with the mail account I want to get. This gets set to a password variable which you can then use elsewhere. Something like this:

    set my_pw = "`pass mail/`"

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